JS Series: EP. (IV) — May the “Data types” be with you.
This is the Fourth article of the Javascript Starwars series So let’s get started with “variables”.
What are “Data types”?
In Javascript, data types tell us what kind of data structure it is. As we know variables can be assigned (and re-assigned) any value in javascript. Hence we call javascript a dynamically typed language. In total there are 8 data types in JavaScript -
Numbers, BigInt, Strings, Boolean, Null, Undefined, Objects, Symbols
Note: Arrays do not belong to this list because they are objects as well.
To check type of a data type we use special operator in js called “typeof”
example -
console.log(typeof “ABC”); // “string”
console.log(typeof (“ABC”)); // “string”
typeof is not a function it is just a special operator in js which returns a string as a type of data…
Also, it is not a rule that typeof always return data type from those 8 ones check the * Examples below -
A quick comparison of all 8 datatypes
typeof undefined // "undefined"
typeof 0 // "number"
typeof 10n // "bigint"
typeof true // "boolean"
typeof "foo" // "string"
typeof Symbol("id") // "symbol"
typeof Math // "object" *
typeof null // "object" *
typeof alert // "function" *
Types of data types
There are two types of data types in javascript:
- Primitive:- (String, Boolean, Number, BigInt, Null, Undefined, Symbol )
- Non-Primitive:- Object (array, functions) also called object references.
The fundamental difference between primitives and non-primitive is that primitives immutable
and non-primitive are mutable
- Mutable values are those which can be modified after creation.
- Immutable values are those which cannot be modified after creation.
So yeah, That was a quick intro about “data types” More learnings ahead…
Stay Tuned for the next Episode. Thanks.
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ha ha ha … May the javascript be with you :)