May the “JavaScript” be with you
Launching the brand new series on JAVASCRIPT
We often deal with javascript at least once in our life.
Some for curiosity, some for interviews, some just for fun :)
But eventually, we often forget it after a while and engage in our day-to-day frameworks XD.
Let’s begin
Launching this brand new JS series. Keeping in mind that learning with some context and events is the best way to memorize stuff.
So I bet you have guessed this series' theme — Starwars ⚫🤖⚔️
- Basics to Advance concepts of JS & ES6 will be covered in-depth.
- Best for those who want to gain in-depth knowledge.
PS: I will keep on linking the series blogs here so that everything remains under one roof…
Ep. (I) — May the “History” be with you
EP. (II) — May the “use strict” be with you.
EP. (III) — May the “variables” be with you.
EP. (IV) — May the “Data types” be with you.
❤️ Youtube —
🦄 Hash node —
☕️ Buymeacoffee —
Ya ya, you going… I know, and haven’t clapped below yet? no problemo.
Just kidding Please clap until your hands are tired…
ha ha ha … May the javascript be with you :)